Originally Posted By: gjw
Originally Posted By: jdickson397
Geez! How did my post inquiring about the Status of the 16 Gauge Society degenerate into some of the rude and insulting comments I have read? We need some civility here. There is nothing wrong with anyone extolling the virtues of their favorite gauge or gunmaker for that matter. I am not sure why some members feel threatened by this humorous advocacy. This is all about having fun and enjoying shooting, hunting, and discussing our great shotguns. Most of the responses are fine but a few individuals should exhibit enough sense to leave their bad attitudes and negative comments at home.

I have to agree with you on this one. I also belong to the 16ga Forum, a very civil and helpful board. Another good board is the Upland Journal. This board has really gone to hell in the past few months. Still there are some very good people here who are willing to help and contribute good advise to others.



And we haven't even started to talk about the politics of the 16ga. yet... crazy

And the before the cabal usurps it for their own nefarious purposes, I am proud to be a 16ga-tard!

Forum: a medium of discussion/expression of ideas. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/forum