My "Personal" beliefs are that skeet shooting killed the 16ga. when it started the intent was to use a variety of gauges with a decided step between them, thus the 12, 20, 28 & 2" .410. Those people actively engaged in skeet shooting naturally leaned toward the 20 for a lighter gun afield. Prior to this the 16 had been a great favorite for southern quail hunters as well as north eastern ruffed grouse hunters. The proliferation od shells for skeet has kept prices down for the 12 & 20. This does not apply equally for the 28 & .410, they are normally higher than even the 16 though usually more readily available.
The British were never "Big" on the 16 or any other gauge smaller than the 2" 12 for that matter. Continental Europe was the forte of the 16 for many years.
My Lefever 16 @ 6 3/4lbs is not quite as light as I would have preferred but I shoot it well & LOVE it to death. Another gun which I shoot probaly as well as any I have ever shot is a birmingham J P Clabrough 12ga @ 6lb 14oz so 2 oz heavier than the Lefever 16. This seems to be a weight range which I shoot well. This is all for field use I am not a competitive shooter.
Long Live the 16

I Didn't Say Everything I Said, Yogi Berra