We don't have any problems fitting sound moderators to hunting rifles which I think are banned in most states. It is only fairly recently that we have had to notify transfer of shotguns from one to another. There is a requirement to notify transfer of shotguns and rifles now though. Pre 1939 shotguns and rifles in what are classed as obsolete calibres; and that includes most of the old Winchester lever actions and a lot of the double rifles and shotguns in such as 4, 8, 10, 14, 24 and 32 bore have no restrictions except that there has been some recent legislation banning people who have been in prison for over 3 years from owning them. It varies around the British Isles. In Scotland their Government have now introduced certificates for low power air guns. The Isle of Man; that island situated almost equidistant from England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland have very few restrictions at all and handguns are unaffected. They have their own Parliament which is the second oldest in the world and formulate their own legislation independent of Great Britain. They are not even a part of the European Union (very sensible). I understand that the Channel Islands; Jersey and Guernsey, have very liberal gun laws and, unless recently legislated against, can still have full autos.

I find, from what I read, that each State has it's own interpretation on gun laws and what is legal in one state becomes an offence in the next. It must make it quite complex at times. What is it I hear about the severe restrictions on gun ownership in New York city and Washington D.C.? How to they view the 2nd. Amendment so differently? Just curious. Lagopus.....