I discovered French guns several years ago with a Manufrance Costo (Robust) a really nice solid gun that unfortunately taught me about cast-off/cast-on and gun fit. It had a lot of cast-off so I sadly sold it. My current go-to field gun is a sweet super lightweight French 16 gauge. The earlier remarks about the French provincialism brought to mind my dad’s remarks regarding the French. Dad was a lieutenant in the 101st Airborne during WWII, a glider trooper. Of all the people he met he liked the Dutch the best, the Brits second, the Germans third, and the French a distant last. After the Normandy invasion (he landed on Utah beach, they’d run short of gliders) the poor hospitality and lack of gratitude shown by the French really irked him after risking his life liberating them from the Germans.

My daughter was a foreign exchange student with a Parisian French family. My daughter spoke highly of their hospitality and their daughter was a very nice guest when she stayed with us (though not a fan of my late wife’s cooking).


Approach life like you do a yellow light - RUN IT! (Gail T.)