By the way, for historical reasons I just had to revisit the identification of the mark on the barrels as "Lovinfosse Hardy Franois et Fils." Here is their their mark registered in 1909

Deux fusils croiss avec toiles et les initiales FL est la marque du fabricant Franois LOVINFOSSE-HARDY rue Hayneux, 76 HERSTAL. Cette marque a t dpose le 15.07.1909. Lintress a t actif ds 1876. Il est lauteur de 2 brevets dposs en 1876 et 1885 (voir site).

Two rifles crossed with stars and the initial FL are the mark of the manufacturer Franois LOVINFOSSE-HARDY street Hayneux, 76 at HERSTAL. This mark was registered the 15.07.1909. The interested party was active since 1876. He is the author of 2 patents deposited in 1876 and 1885 (see site).

Lovinfosse-Hardy Franois & Fils qui utilisait la marque FL couronn entour de deux fusils croiss (voir site)

Pre 1909 they used two marks...FL and FL in a circle: "vers 1865 signature "Hardy et Lovinfosse" voir Lovinfosse. la sucession des noms laisse a penser que Hardy et Lovinfosse taient associs et que deux enfants se sont maris pour donner la dynastie Lovinfosse Hardy puis Lovinfosse Hardy et fils .." (Rfrence 1864 signature "Hardy and Lovinfosse" i.e. Lovinfosse: The union of these names leads one to think that Hardy and Lovinfosse were partners and that the two children were married which led to the dynasty 'Lovinfosse Hardy' then 'Lovinfosse Hardy and Sons'.")

FL Lovinfosse Hardy and Fils (Franois)
FL in a circle Lovinfosse Hardy and Fils (Franois)

None of these marks resemble the marks on the Zavattero guns someone can come up with something better, I'm reverting to the original conclusion...that this mark is ZF in a circle and is a Zavattero Freres mark.

Neitir mentioned that in 1962 there were two models FOCOR and FOCOR standard. He didn't mention CYNEA. However from his description believe his "FOCOR standard" was CYNEA. He also did not mention the ZF of ZC stamps.

However, if I'm right, then on this point he is 100% correct which eliminates the dichotomy noted above. "All the guns of Zavattero freres were equipped with either Belgian barrels using the Belgian mark or Zavattero Freres barrels marked "ZF"." In which case these are in-house barrels manufactured by Zavattero Freres. So until proven otherwise (and welcome additional information), believe this mark is the Zavettero mark put on "ZF" barrels.

And by the way the original catalog I posted from about 1912 had a lot more models than CYNEA and FOCOR.

Last edited by Argo44; 05/07/16 08:43 PM.

Baluch are not Brahui, Brahui are Baluch