Larry, you placed a quote that you made into a "quote box" with my name on it, which made it appear that I said those words. I know you like to put words in my mouth, but this is getting ridiculous. It was quite evident earlier that you were indeed mocking Francis for his use of Spanish even though you said that you don't speak Spanish. But as usual, you feel the pathetic need to move heaven and earth to ever avoid admitting that you were wrong. My real point was to illuminate your hypocrisy for being critical of a military veteran (RWTF- U.S. Marine Corps) only a few weeks after you piously lectured me about the special respect that veterans deserve. Most do. I respect your service, but I don't respect you personally because you have repeatedly shown us that you are a bloviating douche bag with exceedingly poor reading comprehension.

I still think it was laughable that you attempted to quell my opinion while vociferously defending the anti-gun rhetoric of King Brown, Ed Good, and even John Kerry.

I'm not surprised about the USFWS permitting the wind power industry to kill thousands of bald eagles annually. Most Liberal environmentalists are nearly as hypocritical as you Larry. Don't forget Larry, it was you who went on and on for days in the recent Condor thread supporting the ridiculous notion that deer hunter's lead bullets were fragmenting into hundreds of pieces of toxic shrapnel. And like Herbert Hoover promising a chicken in every pot, you were pushing the idiotic idea of careless hunters providing a lead tainted deer carcass for every eagle. No Larry, those were not your exact words, so don't get your panties in a knot. But you were blaming lead bullets for sickening and killing eagles while refusing to accept that there are many more bio-available sources of lead that kill birds. Do you recall saying this in your post #433166 on 1/18/16?

"Keith, the majority of road-killed deer I saw in northern Wisconsin had bald eagles doing the cleanup. Our problem in that part of the country, obviously not related to condors, didn't have anything to do with either cattle or gut piles. Rather, with wounded and unrecovered deer. That's where the eagles were picking up the lead fragments. Unfortunately, the WI Natural Resources Board thought the solution was to ban lead SHOT on all DNR controlled lands . . . when there was no real evidence of eagles ingesting lead shot, now that we're no longer shooting lead at waterfowl. But bird hunters were an easier target than deer hunters. However, we were fortunate enough to shoot down that idea before it became policy."

I am glad that debate is still sticking in your craw. Maybe you'll want to cry to Dave again to get this thread locked too.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.