Pretty hard to mock someone's Spanish when you don't speak the language, Keith. Even YOU aren't that smart. (And neither am I.) You quoted me; inside the quote box, the quote is correctly attributed to me. My name is right there, along with the quote. I'm pretty sure no one thought you said it . . . especially since you complained about ME saying it.

And now you're saying: "No Larry, those were not your exact words . . . " (How about my accuracy on THAT quote, Keith?)--so you flat out admit that you're misquoting me. You are a walking, talking contradiction. And nowhere did I EVER state that there are no sources of lead other than from bullets or shot that kill birds. If you have that quote, I'd like to see it. We know, for example, that woodcock often show very high blood lead levels (albeit not toxic, at least in the birds examined by the WI DNR). And we also know that the lead in question may very well come from either the soil in which they probe for worms, or the worms they eat, or both. And we also know that no lead shot was found in the digestive systems of the woodcock examined by the WI DNR. So, in that case, no proof that the lead came from what hunters are putting into the environment.

Now any time you'd like to get your facts STRAIGHT about what I have or have not said, have at it. Preferably in a thread about eagles dying. Personally, I'd doubt that ALL sources of lead come anywhere close to killing the thousands of eagles that the USFWS wants to allow the wind energy companies to kill annually. Just to put various causes of eagle deaths into perspective.

Last edited by L. Brown; 05/16/16 06:57 AM.