The reason jOe made that reply is because hE is a trOll and because hE is tOO stUpid to stOp.


Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
[All your copying and pasting proves is that you are one sick internet stalker and should be banned from this sight.

I was giving jOe the trOll such an ass whipping down in Misfires that he whined to Dave over and over. Dave got so tired of reading jOe's gIrly little bltchy messages that he shut down Misfires.

I think it is funny that the trOll was asking Dave to protect hIm from someone the trOll intended as a victim.

And jOe was banned from the "For Sale" section for stalking, baiting, insulting and attempting to bully Gerry Addison, Adam Stinson, and many others.


jOe, besides being a trOll, is a liAr.

Several years ago he made several posts arguing against citizen ownership of AR15 type semiauto rifles. In a different and much later discussion I brought up his past support for banning AR15 type semiautos. He lied and said he had never advocated banning citizen ownership of those type rifles. But I was able to find the old thread and dOcument his mendAcity.

Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
In fairness to jOe, he is for attacking the mass-murder problem on ALL fronts. He has argued many times that we need universal NICS background checks on ALL gun sales, just as Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, Boxer, Biden, and Bloomberg have argued.

jOe has also argued that civilians should not be able to own semi-auto rifles that are configured like the semiauto AR-15. Again, just as Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Pelosi, Obama, Harry Reid, Boxer, and a host of other gun-control advocates have argued.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
More of your insane lies....I own several AR 15 rifles.

Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
I'm a hunter and like Zumbo I see no need for the hunter to own a military type firearm.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: jack maloney
[quote=Greg Tag]

Fortunately, most of the guys who fondle their Chinese junk ARs and dream of glory will grow up before they hurt someone. smile

Let's hope they do.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
The camels nose is already under the tent flap.

The general public should have never been allowed to own an assault type Military Weapon.

Yeti do you like to chew tabacco while you play Rambo ?

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: mike campbell
"The general public should have never been allowed to own an assault type Military Weapon."

Does this refer to a flintlock or one of them new-fangled caplocks?

What do you think ?

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
I'm sure you don't sit around clutching it waiting for an imaginary levee to break like ProffessOr Ted Blather.

I've shot some 600 yard matches with bolt actions at my gun club, I shot because I enjoyed it.
The reason I lost interest was I got tired of sitting around listening to the guys dreaming of being a sniper.

I don't think the attack on Zumbo was deserving.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
I fail to see these 'transparent anti-gun attitudes' posted that you seem to see.

I have saw some posts by people with common sense when it comes to firearms. You're right about one thing....I would have a problem with anyone owning a firearm that owns it because he believes in some dooms day.

Would you agree there are people that shouldn't own a firearm ?

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe

That's what a gun is to me a tool...be it war or hunting. If I need a gun for war I expect the United States to supply it.

The people that dream about dooms-day levees might be better off owning a dull spade.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Originally Posted By: Ted Schefelbein

If and when the levee breaks, so to speak, put me in the catagory of well armed, if you don't mind. Actually, even if you do mind. I'll take my chances there, thank you.

Anyway, someone out there has written the book describing people in one of three catagories-wolves, sheep, and sheepdogs. It is a work on self defense, of course, and I haven't had time to read the whole thing, but I'm 'gonna, real soon.

Gotta go do some reading now.

Sounds like a cUlt to me. Ted don't drink when you read that book...it might make you think you are a Wolf.

I hope the FBI isn't reading this board.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
I wonder after reading some of your posts if sOme of you guys realize this is the United States of America....not Afganistan, not Nazi Germany.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Ted Schefelbein....are you sure you are a US citizen ?

The FBI should consider profiling yOu...you seem like one sick puppy. Better get your medication checked bud.

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
I hear Outdoor Life has fired Mr.Zumbo...I hope he sues Outdoor Life for violation of his right to 'Freedom of Speech.

What I find real funny about this whole thread is all the great minds on here crazy....that didn't even bother to read what Zumbo really said before they jumped up to defend their 2nd Amendment Rights.
Kind of like an angry lynch mob.

ps...Ted Blather you can put the shovel up the Levees okay for now. cool

For those that missed it here is what Zumbo wrote and then jOe defended:
"I call them “assault” rifles, which may upset some people. Excuse me, maybe I’m a traditionalist, but I see no place for these weapons among our hunting fraternity. I’ll go so far as to call them “terrorist” rifles. They tell me that some companies are producing assault rifles that are “tackdrivers.”

Sorry, folks, in my humble opinion, these things have no place in hunting. We don't need to be lumped into the group of people who terrorize the world with them, which is an obvious concern. I've always been comfortable with the statement that hunters don't use assault rifles. We've always been proud of our "sporting firearms."

This really has me concerned. As hunters, we don't need the image of walking around the woods carrying one of these weapons. To most of the public, an assault rifle is a terrifying thing. Let's divorce ourselves from them. I say game departments should ban them from the praries [sic] and woods."

For the record, Mr. Zumbo recanted his statement. But stUpid jOe the lyIng trOll never did, even arguing against citizens owning AR15s after Zumbo's recant.

jOe made several pitiful first attempts at insulting me. I will have the last insult. And our feud will go on until Dave bans jOe or bans me. I insulted jOe several times in this post. As it now stands and as far as I am concerned our feud is over. But jOe will make another pitiful attempt at insulting me.

jOe the trOll is tOO stUpid to stOp.

And hE is a liAr to bOOt!

I am glad to be here.