Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Larry it becomes quite clear why our country is in the shape it's in now when one comes to learn you were once part of the "intelligence community".

jOe does have a knack for saying it all in just a few words!

I see this off topic thread is going even further off the rails thanks to you Larry. And I see you still can't ignore me. After once again telling us that you were going to ignore everything I said except for my Google French translation of "Larry is an ignorant douche bag", you went on to challenge me to start another thread on "throwing deer hunters under the bus". And you promised to comment!

Originally Posted By: L. Brown
By the way, if you have the guts to actually START a thread on "throwing deer hunters under the bus", I promise to comment. But I doubt I need to look for that any time soon.

How retarded is that, oh Mr. Walking Talking Bloviating Contradiction? You promise to comment to someone who you also promise to ignore??? And apparently you are too stupid to remember that we were having a discussion about you throwing deer hunters under the bus. And big bad Larry couldn't handle it. And he cried to Dave and got the thread locked. That's just precious Larry. You want ME to start another thread if I "have the guts"??? I wasn't the gutless crybaby who whined to Dave because I couldn't take the heat. craigd and I were not the only ones in that Lead and Condors thread that confronted you, Mr. Big Time Professional Outdoors Writer, about your incessant finger pointing toward those who use lead BULLETS.

You said you "try really hard not to be dumber than dirt." Keep trying Larry. It's not working.

We can't go back and pull any direct quotes from you because the thread is locked. You may not have said yourself that lead shot was the ONLY source of lead poisoning in waterfowl as craigd mentioned in a much condensed version of your multi-page attack on lead bullets... and lead shot... except for (most) upland game. But you did repeatedly scoff at our analysis and criticism of the so-called science you quoted that blamed lead shot while ignoring all of the other more bio-available sources of lead. I have advised you to go back and re-read it to see why craigd, myself, and others were confronting you. You and BrentD were repeatedly giving aid and comfort to the anti-lead forces. But it probably wouldn't do any good, because you only see what you want to see, and selectively edit things to prove your point, as you did with the Audobon Society statement on sport hunting and your denial that they supported lead ammunition bans.

And to think you are now demanding an apology from craigd as you deftly attempt to dance away from your mocking of U.S. Marine Corps Veteran RWTF without apologizing to him??? And do you remember when you claimed I said something I never said and I asked you for several days to either prove it or apologize? Do you remember adding words to my statement about the susceptibility of waterfowl and upland birds to lead poisoning in order to change the meaning? You didn't prove your false accusation, and you did not man-up and apologize. And now you have the gall to come here and accuse craigd of not being a stand-up guy??? What a dick.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.