Yes, Joe . . . all Muslims are terrorists in waiting. Just like all women are potential prostitutes. After all, they all have the proper equipment.

But you're right about one thing, Joe: Assuming all Muslims are terrorists, that means we need to kill them all. I'm waiting for you to run down to the recruiting office and sign up. I find it surprising that a large number of people who want to kill Muslims also happen to be people who never served in the military. Or perhaps served but are now too old to reenlist. If you have children and/or grandchildren, Joe, are you actively encouraging them to enlist and go kill all those Muslims? I expect the response will be similar to what I got when Clinton sent our troops to Bosnia. I was teaching at Iowa State at the time, and a lot of my liberal colleagues thought that was a fine idea, since it was a "peacekeeping" mission. I asked a few of them if that meant they were encouraging their sons and daughters to enlist. That's when push comes to shove. Not a one said they were encouraging their children to enter military service.

And Joe, whether someone is Christian, Muslim, Hindu or nothing at all, I neither defend them nor condemn them because of their religion. Or lack thereof. I was raised in the Christian church (Presbyterian), and I was taught that condemning someone based on their religion isn't the Christian thing to do. Condemning someone based on their ACTS, on the other hand . . . much more logical. And gives us far fewer targets to eliminate.

As for my daughter, she was in the hands of loving Muslim women, Joe. Between them and a bigot like you, it would have been an easy choice.

Last edited by L. Brown; 05/18/16 09:54 AM.