Originally Posted By: L. Brown
....that may be one of the more convoluted paragraphs that I've ever read. If I want to respond to something YOU said, I QUOTE YOU. (As I just did.) If you want to respond to something I said--assuming you want to have an intelligent and accurate discussion rather than playing some stupid "gotcha" game--how about you extend me the same courtesy?....

I read you Larry, loud and clear, and feel similar myself. Though I feel many things are stupid, I've never characterized your efforts in that manner. In a convoluted way, I tried to sum up what is meant by throwing deer hunters under the bus. You see, if I would've mentioned that again, I already know your position is to make fun of it. I promise to quote best I can, but I am still tech incapable of grabbing comments from other topics, and I'm not really motivated at this time to learn.