Larry, how can you lecture craigd on "intelligent discussions" when you post complete idiocy as you did this morning when you gave jOe your lecture on Muslim terrorists? Just in case you missed my earlier post on the matter, I'll bring it up again for your convenience. Oh, by the way, you sure are determined to veer as far off topic as possible in order to avoid apologizing to RWTF after mocking a bona-fide military veteran. Did you change your opinion about the special respect our veterans deserve... or do you have some special right to mock them? And you sure weren't a stand-up guy when you misquoted me either. You must have been trying to prove jOe was right when he said this:

Originally Posted By: HomelessjOe
Larry it becomes quite clear why our country is in the shape it's in now when one comes to learn you were once part of the "intelligence community".

Once again, did anyone happen to notice any glaring errors or omissions made by our brilliant bloviating ex-CIA Intelligence Analyst when he admonished jOe by claiming that the shooters at Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook schools have killed way more Americans since 1998 than all of the Muslim terrorist attacks in the U.S. and Europe combined?

Originally Posted By: L. Brown
But since you raised the issue of Muslim terrorists . . . did you know that in February 1998, old Osama Bin Laden himself issued a fatwa telling Muslims everywhere that it was their duty to kill Americans, however they could? And he even provided excellent examples, using his Al Qaeda organization to attack our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998; the USS Cole in 2000; and of course 9/11. So . . . what's happened in the 18+ years since Bin Laden called for Muslims all over the world to rise up and kill Americans? (And remember: We have several million Muslims in this country, and several hundred million non-Muslim Americans. So no shortage of opportunity, right?) You know what? The school shooters at Sandy Hook and Virginia Tech--non-Muslim wackos--killed more people in just those two attacks than Americans killed by Muslims in this country and in Europe. You bet, you hear a lot of hate being spewed in the name of Islam. But you know what? The vast majority of Muslims aren't doing anything about it. And who's fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria? And the Taliban in Afghanistan? Mostly other Muslims. They're killing way more of THEM than they're killing of US.

Hang on to your seat old colonel. If I didn't point this out, people like you might actually think Larry Clown is smart:

26 people were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

32 people were killed at Virginia Tech.

Now for the juicy parts that our brilliant ex-CIA Intelligence Analyst missed---

14 people were killed recently by Muslim terrorists in San Bernardino

13 U.S. Military soldiers were killed by Muslim Colonel Nidal Hasan, shouting "Allahu Akbar" at Ft. Hood.

A total of 90 Americans have been killed in 47 separate Muslim terror attacks on U.S. soil since 9-11. Here's a link to the attacks and numbers killed and wounded. Where I went to school, 90 was more than 58.

2977 people died in the 911 attacks, but somehow Larry Clown the brilliant ex CIA Intelligence Analyst thinks that 58 is greater than 2977.

We are spending hundreds of billions of dollars fighting the threat, and real analysts with brains fear them launching a biological or dirty bomb attack that would dwarf 9-11. But it isn't just Americans who are getting killed:

150 people died in terrorist attacks in Western Europe in 2015.

196 people were killed in Muslim terror attacks in 2004 alone, including 191 deaths in the Madrid, Spain attacks.

56 were killed in London in an Al Qaeda suicide bombing in 2005.

35 were killed in March of this year in Brussels Belgium.

This is just some highlights, and does not include the total of many smaller attacks. It does not include many Islamic terror attacks on Israel, Russia, or the rest of the world. And for some odd reason that is very disrespectful to Veterans everywhere, Larry doesn't even mention the number of American soldiers who have been killed or wounded as a result of Muslim terror in Iraq and Afghanistan. Here is a link to a chart for terror deaths in the European Union alone showing that Larry is either misleading us... or he is a complete idiot:

So, in my opinion, we would all be better off having Homer here analyzing the Muslim terror risks than Larry Clown:

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.