I got you on more than the math Larry, but even after getting you on the math, you once again demonstrate your poor Intelligence Analyst skills by doubling down on your flawed arithmetic. Were talking simple subtraction at perhaps a second or third grade level Larry. This is 2016. Your Muslim terrorist death numbers for Americans is based upon stats for the last 18 years. You have repeated the 18 year or 18+ year span since bin Ladin's fatwa at least three times now. 2016 minus 18 equals 1998. The 9-11 attacks happened in 2001, so the body count from the 9-11 attacks has to be included in your 18 year time span where you erroneously claim that more were killed in just two mass school shootings. Or are you telling us that bin Laden's worldwide fatwa specifically excluded card carrying al Qaeda members?

With flawed Intelligence Analysis like you provide, one might ascertain that the terror threat is quite small and not worth the cost of funding a TSA or Homeland Security. How do you exclude a massive 2001 al Qaeda attack on the WTC and Pentagon from a fatwa made by the spiritual leader of al Qaeda in 1998? You yourself said bin Laden's fatwa exhorted Muslim's everywhere to kill Americans (with passing reference to some others--- so we won't count them--- HOW STUPID IS THAT???) So Larry, since when does "Muslims everywhere" not include those radical Muslims within al Queda, including the 19 hijackers and even Osama bin Laden himself? How do we separate "Muslims everywhere" from actual al Qaeda members Larry? Do they carry membership cards Larry? Did the 19 hijackers in the 9-11 attacks have al Qaeda dog tags around their necks? Were they wearing al Qaeda uniforms with al Qaeda insignia? Are you trying to tell us that al Qaeda members aren't really Muslims? What is the difference between your idea of a card-carrying al Qaeda member, and the so-called lone wolf terrorists like Maj. Nidal Hasan or the San Bernardino terrorists who either get inspiration, training and marching orders via the internet or radical Mosques, or actually spend time in terrorist training camps in the Middle East or Afghanistan?

And just where did jOe say he was only concerned about the threat from Muslims who are only specifically responding to bin Laden's fatwa, and who are not dues paying , card carrying, official al Qaeda members? Your explanations and excuses sound a lot like the words of Hillary Clinton.

I still think that it is very ignorant and disrespectful for you to attempt to minimize the actual radical Islamic terror threat by excluding the thousands of U.S. soldiers who have died or been wounded outside of the U.S. as a direct result of the rise of Islamic extremism. It didn't happen within the U.S or Europe, so they don't count, huh?

That's even more stupid than this seriously stupid statement you made:
"He doesn't refer specifically to any nationality except Americans. Couple passing references to allies, but otherwise, only us. So those of other nationalities don't count. At least not in direct response to his fatwa." Oh, cute... since bin Laden only made passing references to our allies, deaths and injuries there don't count.

Hey look Larry... I put some of your stupid words in quotation marks... just as I have done many times before. I even put them in color and bold type. I said we couldn't pull quotes from the now locked (because you cried to Dave) Lead and Condors thread, meaning we can't use the QUOTE function in a locked thread. I already explained that once, and you already knew that I have also quoted you the traditional way, as I did above, so it's pretty obvious to anyone except an idiot like you that you are full of shit... as usual.

In Re "Lead is Toxic, Toxic = Bad", You said what you said. Your words are still there, and you can't even edit them because you cried to Dave and got the thread locked. Your later explanations of what you said in that complete statement do not mesh with your actual words. So you ask, how can you be against lead if you shoot it at birds? That's an easy one Larry. Who is the most extreme anti-lead goofball to ever post on this forum? Answer: and I don't think you'll disagree... GrouseGuy Ben Deeble. Yet we all know that Ben has told us he still uses lead shot for target shooting. And he wishes to ban it for all else. You spent a hell of a lot of time in the Lead and Condors thread throwing deer hunters and their lead bullets under the bus. Oh sorry, I forgot your childish argument that you don't even own a bus.

Originally Posted By: L. Brown
As for throwing anyone under the bus, as an outdoor writer, I don't have a "bus" under which to throw deer hunters.

OK, you blamed deer hunters for leaving this massive food supply of heavily lead tainted deer carcasses and gut piles containing allegedly hundreds of particles of lead bullet shrapnel. You also spent a lot of time defending the 1991 Federal ban on lead shot as the absolute cause of most earlier duck and goose mortality. And you ridiculed other possible sources of lead in the environment as a factor. Once again, craigd and I were not the only ones who noticed your anti-lead biases. You excuse lead for your pheasant hunting, but have spent a lot of time lately being critical of lead ammo in other places... even though you admit to some crippling losses that may get eaten by a poor eagle. But I am surprised to hear that someone as perfect as you ever misses or loses a bird.

You want us to believe your degree in French means something, even as you contend my degree in Biology gives me no credence to critically analyze obvious junk science that led up to the 1991 ban. I don't know what craigd's science background is, but you ridiculed every intelligent argument or source he provided to refute your foregone anti-lead bullet conclusions. He effectively shredded your arguments on multiple occasions. You also repeatedly advised not even questioning or fighting past lead ammo bans. Done deal! Losing battle! If you had failed to get concealed carry passed in Iowa, would you advise citizens to just surrender?

Speaking of your French Larry ... I think you speak French like a bloviating douche bag cow. There you go Larry. Now you see it. Even though I don't speak French, I have just demonstrated how it is not impossible to mock you. You were clearly mocking RWTF Larry. Nobody ever said RWTF asked you for an apology for mocking a military veteran. He has more class than that, and clearly more than you. This statement by you came directly after Foxy made a post in Spanish, and after Drew and Last Dollar made comments about his Spanish.

Originally Posted By: L. Brown
Hmmm. I don't speak Spanish, but I'm guessing there may be a term comparable to that the French use for someone who doesn't speak French well: "Il parle francais comme une vache espagnole."
(He speaks French like a Spanish cow.)

Up to that point, there was no other Spanish within this thread. But at this point, I don't really expect you to admit to something that is obvious. That would take a certain degree of integrity.

Audobon Society... I never said they were totally anti-hunting. There you go again, either dishonestly putting words in my mouth, or once again demonstrating that you simply cannot read. Which is it? Please provide a quote where I ever said that Larry. Put up or apologize, as you demanded from craigd. I said that you selectively edited the words in their statement on hunting to prove your assertion that they were not in favor of lead ammo bans. I proved to you from their own website that they had been instrumental in the California lead ammo ban. craigd caught you conveniently leaving out the juicy part in your selective editing job. It's all still there Larry. You can't change it because you cried to Dave to have the thread locked. Cut the crap already. Your past explanation was weak and looked like a cat trying to cover up shit on a marble floor. Pathetic! Now show us the quote or apologize.

I see from the Ithaca 20 ga, Flues thread that you are IGNORING me. Where have we heard that one before? I know... it was months ago, and again shortly before your last several responses. And it was before your promise to reply to me if I started another thread to debate you. Debate a total idiot who puts words in my mouth and cannot be honest about the very things he said? No thanks. Debate an idiot who lacks basic reading comprehension, and who promises to ignore me just before he promises to respond to me??? No thanks.

Here's another quote you made Larry:

Originally Posted By: L. Brown
And I try really hard not to be dumber than dirt.

It's still not working Larry. If you try real hard, maybe you can raise your I.Q. and Intelligence Analyst skills, to be equal to dirt. But I won't hold my breath waiting to see that.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.