Originally Posted By: Gunflint Charlie
Let's see. Trump makes his campaign one of appealing to voters who like thin-skinned, outrageous buffoons -- or maybe don't recognize buffoonery when it spatters in their faces.

But somehow seeing and not liking his buffoonery is a problem of wearing "media shaped blinders".

Ok then.

smile No, but both parties ignoring the concerns of millions of voters for the last 30 years has to have some impact at some point. It's fascinating to me that in this cycle, the last three candidates standing are two complete outsiders that have nothing to do with politics as usual and one, the candidate of the establishment, who was considered to have a lock on the Presidency a short time ago and now is in free fall. You may stay home Jay but millions and millions of people who have been staying home are coming out to vote in the primaries and will come out to vote in November. That says something important is happening. And as one of the two men tapping into that, it's hard for me to see Trump as a buffoon. He may say some buffoonish things, but he's not a buffoon.

So, for me, it comes down to this (although I can't vote so it's theoretical). I vote. I exercise my democratic right to be involved in the process. In each and every election. And in this coming election in the US, there will be a choice to make. Between Hillary and Trump. Between the status quo and the potential for meaningful change. Between the same old same old and the change Obama was selling in 2008, albeit with no real inclination or ability to effect change. I would be getting out of my chair, into my car, down to the polling station and happily casting my vote for Donald Trump. And proud to do so.

You, of course, are free to do as you see fit.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia