Originally Posted By: King Brown
Desperate cold although lots of sun. Grape buds barely softening; they're out three- to five leaves in Ohio.

Since when does one have to be informed to have opinions? Politicizing supposedly non-partisan events is what politicians do. It's all stagecraft.

The National Post yesterday speculated maybe staged; didn't mention diving.

What puzzles me is young and old going nuts over old socialist senator in a country that ranks socialists worse than atheists!

What's your opinion on that?

Helped my son buy his mother some Riesling vines for her birthday 10 days ago. Told him if they grow grapes, I'll show him how to make wine.

Saunders doesn't puzzle me at all....flip side of the Trump coin. Outsider, not part of the machinery of Washington. Not beholden to the power brokers and superpac interests. Easy.

That doesn't mean I buy his platform at all. But I don't think his platform would be so readily swallowed by all those young people if Bernie hadn't a history of being an outsider. They don't yet believe Bernie to be a cynical old crook the way they believe that, with good reason, of most other politicians.

Last edited by canvasback; 05/20/16 01:03 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia