Originally Posted By: craigd

Back a few pages ago, you mentioned, "Neither Trump nor Clinton give a damn about speaking truth, and neither cares a whit about gun rights". Since, it's been personal attacks against Trump, with an occasional passing reference to policy.

craigd, after that post I was asked why I thought Trump not qualified to be president. Everything I've posted since has responding to guys who don't like what I said telling me I'm wrong about Trump.

Not one word remotely suggesting support for Clinton. Funny how Trump apologists want to pin me with supporting other weak politicians, just because they're not Trump.

Originally Posted By: keith
This thin-skinned buffoon has run a brilliant campaign so far, and he has put himself in the hot seat dozens of times, doing interviews on FOX, CNN, and even MSNBC....

If Trump supporters are wearing blinders, Clinton supporters have had ice-picks jabbed into their eyes....

And most amazing of all to me, supposedly intelligent gun owners who know damn well she has promised to enact restrictive legislation that will affect law abiding citizens and drive up the cost of their sport say they will support her or at least refuse to support her opponent.

That alone should qualify as a restriction to buying a gun when answering the question about being afflicted with a mental illness on a BATF Form 4473. So who are the real buffoons?

Keith, the stuff about thin skinned buffoonery was from Canvasback's post in SUPPORT of Trump -- as was the wearing blinders bit, which described not Trump supporters but me.

Originally Posted By: canvasback
I think Trump is purposefully being thin skinned and outrageous....

He's not a buffoon. He just plays one on tv....

If you want a continuation of the status quo, unbelievably disfunctional government regardless of which party is in the Oval Office or who control Congress, vote for Hill or stay home. If you would like a chance for a difference, I'd say take off the media shaped blinders and have a really close look at Trump.

My reply was a gentle parody that even drew a smile in response. Guess I'm more subtle than most you tag as buffoons suffering from mental illness. smile


Last edited by Gunflint Charlie; 05/20/16 05:51 PM.