Originally Posted By: craigd

I think the worse thing that Trump could've been saddled with was that he is a rich old white guy. It would have nothing

Craig, it seems to me that Trump is trying to turn the usual perception of "rich" on its head. Throughout the primary campaign, Trump pointed out that his opponents were taking money from PACs, "special interests", etc--while he was beholden to no one, because he was funding his own campaign. Seems to me that raises a question: Given the incredible expense involved in running for high office--president in particular--most candidates have no choice but to accept a lot of money from a lot of sources. What's the alternative? Are we left with only the very rich being able to run for president?

And of course what's happening now is that Trump is going to be accepting money from PACs and special interests. So I guess he's no longer his own man. Same criticism he leveled at his opponents.