We can now see that Larry Brown will be like the Energizer Bunny when it comes to looking for excuses to denigrate Trump. Trump has donated to many politicians over the years while playing the games necessary to survive in business. From the Koch brothers, to Trump, to GE and General Motors, they all do it, and this is part of the "pay-to-play" system Trump is rebelling against.

For dense Larry, who is pretending to ignore me, here is a Politifact/Punditfact link exploring the lie that Trump has supported Democrats more than Republicans. In fact, since 1989, Trump has donated over $350,000 more to Republicans running for federal and state offices, while residing in a very Blue Democrat controlled state. Trump has given $584,850 to Democrats and $961,140 to the GOP over the last 26 years.


Edit: Jagermeister, I never click on links from anti-gun trolls and proud Obama supporters. You can stop wasting time taking pictures of guns you merely rent to try to convice us you are one of us. You don't even own a double. I'd think, IF you were smart... big if, that you might rent a double and take pictures of it too.

Last edited by keith; 05/21/16 02:02 PM.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.