Originally Posted By: L. Brown
....to the "charities" point you raised. If you go back to the link provided and pull up the Terrorist Trial Report Card, you'll find a whole series of them....

....So if someone gives money to....
....the prosecution would have to prove that the donor knew his charitable donation was, in reality, going to support terrorism.

Here's what I am looking at. Upper row of your link just a bit to the left I open 'publications'. Then mid page towards the left hand side I open 'Terrorism Trial Report Card'. Once that's open, in the right hand column, second row is 'Terror Financing Through Charities'. Your device may be opening up the links differently than mine.

The 'report card' describes it as an an important tool for fighting terrorism....through the ending date of the 'report', March of '08. I wasn't thinking about the difficulties of connecting the investigative dots. The predictable problem is selective enforcement for ideological reasons, as reported by the chic trib, a week or two ago. They say, since Feb. of '09, it's a big goose egg for that 'important tool for fighting terrorism'. This, in my mind, calls into question your comments about all being safe and well in the homeland when there is an intentional ban on profiling the enemy, a policy change.