Originally Posted By: btdtst
"There will never be enough Muslims in this country to have a significant influence on anything" says Larry Brown. Unbelievable.

btdtst, you have to understand that our brilliant ex-CIA Intelligence Analyst has been too busy trying to be smarter than dirt. He has not noticed top secret information that appears in top secret places like USA Today and the Washington Post. Here's a short article on the first Muslim-majority controlled city in the U.S. where residents now have to hear the Muslim call to prayer blaring over loudspeakers 5 times a day beginning at 6:00 AM;


This article is very interesting too. The title is Islam 101, and there is very good information in it that suggests that jOe's opinion is a lot more intelligent than Larry's. Pay special attention to the quotes of Quran verses, the section on Jihad and Dhimmitude, and the FAQ section.


Some smart guy said that he who does not learn from history is doomed to repeat it. It sure wasn't Larry.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.