SKB is correct. Both Parties had a hand in negotiating the crazy trade deals that led to the predictions of Ross Perot coming true.

But Bill Clinton did sign NAFTA. Lot's of people worked on building the atomic bomb, but it was Harry Truman who made the decision to drop a couple on Japan. Clinton's signing of NAFTA was like dropping an atomic bomb on the middle class workers of the U.S. NAFTA was the second most important thing on his mind after he got elected. Don't Ask-- Don't Tell, Gays in the military was first. But by doing that very early in his first term, dumb Democrats soon forgot, and happily re-elected him. Even the Unions who got slaughtered still blindly supported him. The same dummies in the Unions turned on Bush 43 after he stopped the dumping of foreign steel... after Clinton merely investigated the problem for years without action.

Larry Clown continues to spout ridiculous nonsense. Numbers vary, but the Obama administration continues to lay claim to deportation of more illegals than any other president. Liberals continue to whine about the human tragedy of splitting up families and creating a Police State, but their idol Obama claims to have deported 2.5 million illegals. If the 11 million number was accurate, and it certainly is not, that mass deportation would account for nearly a quarter of the problem. But without adequate border security, they return as quickly as they are deported, as did the murderer of Kate Steinle. James (canvasback) understands how Trump will get Mexico to pay for the wall. Larry, the brilliant ex-CIA Intelligence Analyst is still trying to figure out how not to be dumber than dirt. It's still not working...

Originally Posted By: L. Brown
And I try really hard not to be dumber than dirt.

By building the wall, which was already approved by Congress, and supposed to be done already, and letting the Border Patrol and INS do the jobs that we are paying them to do, we could quickly get a handle on things. By toughening penalties for employers who hire illegals, we could get many of them to leave on their own when they can't find work. Defunding sanctuary cities and deducting welfare and medical treatment costs from foreign aid to the countries that are the source of illegal immigration will further reduce the number of illegals. Mexico is a huge recipient of foreign aid. There will be no need for Secret Police or any of the idiotic scenarios that are being voiced by hysterical Liberals. Our immigration system is broken simply because politicians decided that they don't need to enforce existing laws. Passing new laws to "fix" the system won't change a thing if we do not enforce our laws. And Larry will still be dense.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.