Don't worry tut, after guys like Larry Clown work real hard to get Hillary Clinton elected by continually bashing the only pro-gun candidate, she will give those poor hard working illegals legal status.

Then in less than a generation, they too will learn that it is easier to take government freebies than it is to cut grass and do menial unskilled labor. There is a reason why illegals are lining up to work and black youth unemployment is 51%, according to Bernie Sanders. Politifact rates that number as mostly true. Socialists like Bernie would make matters only worse by legitimizing open borders and giving away even more freebies until we became another Venezuela.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
The only thing I don't understand is favouring Trump "because he isn't a politician." If you need an electrician, why call a plumber? What isn't in doubt is outliers Trump and Sanders are finally collectively speaking truths to Establishments.

For all the republic's acclaimed checks and balances which made surpassingly dysfunctional governance, liberal and conservative Mr. and Mrs. America have been forced to take national issues in their own hands. God bless them.

Then we have Larry Clown's older brother King adding his two Canadian cents to denigrate Trump. King says, "If you need an electrician, why call a plumber?" I would ask, If you need a pro-gun Conservative, why would you vote for or support an extreme anti-gun Socialist?

Answer: Because Anti-Gun Liberal Leftists are the type of politician King always supports and defends. It's always entertaining and instructive when a self-professed Atheist invokes the name of God or Jesus too!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.