Originally Posted By: L. Brown
....I try my best to judge them all the same. I think I watched every Republican debate. We got first crack at the whole bunch here in Iowa. Trump started off on the wrong foot. The Des Moines Register--the closest thing we have to a newspaper with significant statewide interest--was covering all the candidates, reporting on their events, etc. Then the paper wrote an editorial suggesting that Trump should drop out. They didn't think he would make a good president. After which Trump pulled their press credentials. No more Register reporters at his events; therefore, no more Register coverage of his events. So, if he's elected president and he tosses out every journalist who ever says anything negative about him, pretty soon he's going to be holding pretty small press conferences. And those tactics sound a lot more like Putin than the POTUS....

If you try to judge them all the same, can I assume by quote, that comparing the candidate to putin is meant to be derogatory?

The current president did exactly the same thing when he was a candidate. I'll stand corrected, but I can not recall that action being criticized by you. What might not be overlooked, is that you found a mainstream media outlet that had a criticism of the candidate. The current president was not generally 'vetted' by the media when he was a candidate.

Maybe the best 'qualification' Trump has is that so far he has not been able to be borked. If you are an issues person, it's been mentioned before that his website and book that came out last fall go into much more detail than we might generally be lead to believe. Any candidate of any stripe that tries to get media folks or followers at home to sit and digest 'details' is long gone at this point. Unfortunately, it's a small choir that's engaged in the issues.