Originally Posted By: canvasback
It is absolutely laughable that some here are attempting to paint the MSM as fair and balanced when they have been anything but with regard to Obama, Clinton and Trump. Obama and Clinton positively and Trump negatively. I won't even bother looking for examples beyond saying MSNBC and Chris Matthews.

It is so patently obvious the bias as to not even merit discussion. It is one of the main reasons why Trump does so well....

I've stayed out of this thread because it's not gun related but I'll state the following: The majority of intelligent/responsible Americans are on to the so-called "main stream news media" and take what they present with a grain of salt anymore. They also fully understand that you'll never get the factual truth out of a socialist like Clinton or Sanders no matter how direct you question them. Additionally both Republicans and real Democrats including myself are disgusted with both parties because when the Conservatives were given a majority and a mandate in Congress in the 2014 elections to reverse the unconstitutional abominations coming from the White House they proceeded to squander this opportunity. Some like the RINO McCain in my State will hopefully pay dearly for this folly come November.

Last edited by James M; 06/01/16 05:35 PM.

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