The person that made the comment is a FL. Congressman, and is well known for such drivel. He didn't say an AR 15 is capable of firing 700 rounds per min., which would imply a rate of fire. Instead, he said an AR 15 could shoot 700 rounds in one min. This is just not possible, and Grayson should have known it. If they really want to save lives, they will do something about padlocking fire exits in a public venue. It was mentioned in passing that all exits, except the one the shooter had blocked was padlocked. It is against the law to block fire exits, even if you have more than you need; you can't make a building less safe than it was built. If it was a fire that killed 50 and injured 53 others, the owners/operators of the night club would have been arrested. Since they were shot instead, they will try to take your AR 15.

Last edited by Der Ami; 06/17/16 09:00 AM.