Originally Posted By: LeFusil
What's expensive or inexpensive when it comes to gun work? Fitting a set of ejector barrels should cost how much? People don't know what a cheapskate you are like I do Rocky ;-)

I'm glad you got the barrels Canvasback, keep us posted on the progress! Any idea who you'll have do the work?

Rocky thinks it costly because he has been going to Mike (Wingshooter) for advice! grin

Considering my options, Dustin, but have already started the hunt for forend iron. Mike found a 16 ejector already. I am guessing I could find a suitable 12 within a year by searching France. But first I need to have the barrels checked out for wall thickness and bore condition before anything else happens.

There are a few options for getting the work done up here. I have the utmost confidence Nick could do the work very well. I'm concerned about how long he might take to get at them....last time I left a gun with him for work, it was a very long time before it was going to get to his bench. The problem is that is the case for most of the very good SxS smiths up here. I have a few names in mind, all of whom have done lovely work for me in the past. I'll probably put that decision off until I get all the necessary parts assembled.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia