I've read through all eleven pages of this and I don't think the reporter lied about the weapon being able to shoot 700 rounds a minute but mis-understood the research and lacks common knowledge of guns.

When you lookup info on a M-16/AR-15 it states that the "cyclic rate of fire is 600-700 rounds per min." so if you don't know better you would assume that it can fire that many rounds per min.

I don't believe it was an intentional lie just poor reporting and lack of serious research in the spur of the moment and it does make spectacular headlines.

There are always half truths and innuendo when reporting, just look at all the stuff that comes to us everyday on Hilary, Obummer and Donald. Everyone slants the news to fit there agenda and to stay just clear of a total lie.

We as intelligent people have to sort through the info we are fed and then decide where the truth lies in our opinion.

After the first shot the rest are just noise.