It seems that even when anti-gun politicians or reporters are informed and educated about things like the difference between a full auto assault rifle and a semi-automatic, they still choose to repeat the same incorrect anti-gun dogma.

I still keep hearing them piously ask why it is legal for us to go to a gun show and buy machine guns and bazookas without a background check. It is exactly what Jim called it... an out and out lie from the left.

We've seen the same thing right here numerous times when ex-reporter King Brown has repeatedly stated that the U.S. has a higher murder rate than any other civilized country or that the Framers of the Constitution never wrote about their intent that the 2nd Amendment protects an Individual Right. Even when corrected or provided with proof, he has come right back with the same anti-gun crap.

Jagermeister's president, Barack Hussein Obama was just on TV calling for more restrictions on guns after the Orlando terrorist attack. Although he mentioned the radicalization these lone wolves get via the internet, he did not suggest 1st Amendment restrictions such as censorship of ISIS indoctrination websites or online Terrorist training magazines such as "Inspire". He did not suggest suspension of 1st Amendment free religion rights for Mosques that preach anti-American sentiment, and he did not call for suspension of 4th Amendment search, seizure, and privacy rights for those with terrorist ties.

And he sure didn't mention that there was no such thing as ISIS until he and Hillary created the vacuum in the Middle East that allowed it to bloom and grow.

This would be a good time to call your elected representatives to tell them we are still not interested in giving up our Constitutional Rights, or giving the terrorists a victory by permitting Congress to disarm us.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.