Go back to my comment on page one of this thread, This Congressman is known for his lies and wild claims. You should be more careful yourself. You lumped the select fire(full auto)M16 in with the simi-auto AR 15, and implied they both have a "cyclic rate of 600-700 rounds per min.".I'm not even sure the term "cyclic rate" applies to simi-auto fire. I'm not concerned with most of the people here hearing(reading)this drivel, with few exceptions, we know better. I'm concerned with the regular people that don't know better and believe such crap as Geraldo saying last night that anyone on the Terrorist Watch List can walk into a gunstore and buy a machine gun without having to wait. Bill O'Reilly and Eric Bowling(?) both let him get by w/o challenge. Now those that don't know better, think he is correct.