Originally Posted By: King Brown
I know so many Republicans that I can't stand the thought of their being without a party, Geo. My guess is they'll find a way to build a new, more inclusive family in the same way Canada has got through political crises---bumbling along, working toward something better, without notions of quick fixes.

It's interesting that you see Republicans building inclusiveness behind their nominee. I guess you made implications about the fellow for dramatic effect? At this late hour, coming out of meetings with the presumptive gal and current fellow, I can't stand the fact that millions feeling the bern aren't included.

Maybe if bern revealed a gay lover, he could force his hand with the dem elites? Ah, we could only hope, but hill's in the upper one percent, could she unveil a dueling lesbian affair? Can hill pardon herself if she's just a nominee, or is the buzz that she's a shoo-in and do it later? So much to consider prior to the current fellow swooping in and leading all to the trough. I like how we've turned towards the real issues that worry joe average, instead of petty bickering.