Originally Posted By: King Brown
Yep, including Mitch, Majority Leader of the Senate, and Paul, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and a growing tribe of Republican luminaries who consider him as unelectable, racist, misogynist, bigot and a colossus of ignorance. But what do they know, eh?

Great leaders come a dime to a dozen. What makes a great community leader climb the ladder regardless of actual greatness?

Anyway, can I assume your vetting of this candidate is accurate and at least civil as noted by many here? What happens if a Republican takes a similar 'high road' such as yourself, take for instance Mitch? Does he make inroads, change hearts and minds, sway the nation to greener pastures?

If he were to do right by the country, shouldn't ole Mitch use the protection of the senate floor, the way ole harry did four years ago, to bork the r running at the time for the presidency? Shouldn't Mitch be throwing outlandish bombs about Canadian tax concealment favoritism for a certain foundation? Maybe, he could be could surround himself with a bunch of logcabiners, and when asked about justifying bomb throwing, he could introduce a struggling single hispanic mom for credibility? If phony tax allegations don't get traction, can he lie about pending criminal charges and the firing of a hundred female staffers by hill for family leave during a campaign?

Focus man! Are you really implying that all Republicans are borkable?