The chief advantage I find with shooting glasses, other than eye protection, which could just as easily be covered by regular safety glasses, is that the frames and lenses extend above the eye, so that the frame does not interfere with vision when shooting in the sitting or prone positions, where the eye is directed through the top of the lenses.

Of course this leads to fogging problems, but as a long time high power rifle shooter, on ranges which offer no protection from the sun, I find that putting a foam ear plug in the metal ring above the nose piece of the frame is effective. Bearing against the forehead, this holds the from far enough away from the brow to prevent fogging.

I also wore a head band, but it chiefly came into play in situations where I was firing slow fire stages, twenty shots in twenty minutes, clad in a sweat shirt and a heavy leather shooting jacket, Nothing I encountered in Africa was nearly as hot as the ranges at Quantico, Fort Benning, Fort Campbell of Fort Knox.

In Africa, just wearing my prescription RayBans was all I needed in the way of protection. Incidentally, I am still using
the pair I bought at the PX in Okinawa in 1965.