Originally Posted By: dal
Canvasback, our country is FAR from perfect. No country ever will be......ever. The justice system can also be imperfect, and at times, down right unfair. It is run by humans, and humans are fallible....some more than others unfortunately.

I agree with several of your points about the nanny state, which is why I did not vote liberal.

You would be surprised about how much we might agree upon. But being Canadian, I will not hate you for your views, or consider you and idiot, on points where we disagree.

Dal, when did personal hatred come into the discussion? Ask King about me if you wish to know something of who I am. I do however, respond when I see posts that don't appear to make sense to me. Like you suggesting our gun laws were not strict in comparison to the US.

Please note when I responded, I wasn't saying one was better or one was worse....I was simply making the point that by almost any objective measure it is clear that Canadian gun laws are more restrictive than American gun laws.

And BTW, as someone who has imported and exported guns to and from various countries including the US, I am well familiar with the anomalous situation in the US regarding crossing borders with gun related items, be they state or national borders.

I agree, we do probably agree about lots....in fact I know we do. I follow your posts on some other sites. But, like every single other person I have ever met, including everyone on this site, I know we don't agree on everything. Which is fine by me. That's why we talk about stuff. If you, me, King, Keith and Mike agreed on every single thing, what would the point of talking be. I come on this site to learn and hope that in the same way, others may occasionally learn something from me. That's all. Doesn't matter the subject.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia