Originally Posted By: Frank46
When I was working for a living all the guys who wore glasses had to start wearing safety glasses. I did a little research and found that the lower cost glasses had some sort of polycarbonate glass that was scratch and chip resistant. Top of the line was tempered glass. So I got the tempered glass and have continued wearing the same tempered glass lenses even after retirement. The PC glasses would start to chip,scratch,and get cloudy and since you only got one pair a year that was what you were stuck with until the following year. Frank

Ballistic poly-carbonate glasses will hold up well and after using them through four deployments I am comfortable in endorsing them

They weigh significantly less than tempered glass and having seen them actually work to save soldiers' vision I know they do the job.

As for scratching up yes they scratch easier than glass, but compared to the poly-carbonate glasses they handed up at the Vickers Hydraulics Factory I worked at 20 years ago the modern ballistic eye wear is very resistant to scratching.

Modern ballistic quality poly-carbonate lens will hold up

Michael Dittamo
Topeka, KS