I use a grease not a oil because that was what I was taught 50+ years ago. It was explained to me that grease did not run, only a very little amount was needed and the smart fellow cleaned it off after use and put new on before use. Just like cleaning a bore or wipping down a gun and applying a light coat of protective oil before storage.

As to brand I must have half a dozen by now. When you use a small dab even a small package goes a long ways and last a long time. I've bought different brands to see if one is better than another. All work fine as far as I can tell. I've never had to replace a hinge pin and a couple of my OU have gone 250k rounds without any problems.

Now if we could just convince people wd40 is not state of the art gun oil. Or that spraying half a can on a gun indoors is not a great idea. Yesterday I watched a fellow do just that to a Diania grade Browning 20 ga. And just had to shake my head.