Best day a field was about several years ago. Talked my father into going hunting with two of my sons. Doves were moving, weather was great and we hunted as a family one last time. My then 90 year old father killed 15 bird with less than a box of shells using a 16 Ga. A grade Fox I loaned him. My two sons each limited out and I did as well. On top of that we got four limits of birds and did not loose a single bird. I was taught by my father to find every bird before I was done looking. My sons were diligent to make sure they found every one of their birds and one of their grand fathers. I suspect he knew where it was all along but let them help him. Grandfathers are like that sometimes. wink

But if I never shot a shell that day I would still consider it one of my best days hunting ever. Dad no longer hunts anymore but my sons will always have that memory of his last hunt. I figure that memory should last another five or six decades as my memory of hunting with his father has lasted me five plus decades. That is a long time to remember a good day a field.