Your story Marty reminded me of a hunt to Canada a few years back. We were hunting Saskatchewan and a flock of cranes swung by our spread within range of my buddie on the outside edge. He dumped one and same thing.....the dog was out after the bird as it hit the ground. The crane was up on it's feet, and the bird and the dog started doing the dance.

We watched for a minute as the dog dodged the jabs as it watched for an opening. This went on for a moment, with my friend stating "I'd better go over and help get the bird." When he arrived to the bird and dog show, he attempted to grab the birds neck but the bird jabbed at him as well. Finally the dog circled around and with the birds attention on the dog, my friend did a quick grab on the cranes neck and secured the bird.

I thought at the time, I wish I would have taken a video of the whole show. It was funny watching the dog and bird circle one another but even more funny to watch when my friend got involved.

Cameron Hughes