When you have taught the geese all you have to teach them it is time to learn more yourself. Blow more, blow less, a lot less! Instead of a big spread make it only a 1/2 dozen birds, put your blind 20, 30 yards ahead, behind, to one side, try a flute call as someone has suggested although more difficult to make the sound, then the song, then the right song.

Be in the right field. Every year I hunt just outside Calgary city limits in december. I have to have a good field that they see just after passing all the houses. Still on a blue bird day they will pass over me and no matter what I do they will not come down. then I do all sorts of things. Less hunters, different calling, small decoy spread, radical decoy layout, motion in the spread, kites, flying decoys on a pole, get behind a hill so when they come over you surprise them, get on a hill and scream at them to they know you are there.

Biggest thing I can say to anyone doing anything. Watch and learn. If what you are doing doesn't work stop and do something else. How many times have I seen the wrong thing being done only to have it emphasized and repeated even more. How loud will a man yell at mute knowing he is deaf?

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.