There were no U.S. flags displayed the first day of the DNC...there was much criticism and outrage on social media about this and SNOPES immediately issued a disclaimer saying it was false.
The DNC apologized, saying it was an "oversight" and displayed flags starting the second day.
Effectively, the DNC threw the liberal propaganda SNOPES team under the train with their "apology".
I found it odd the DNC built a wall around the convention center to keep people out and a low wall around the stage inside the convention center. However, a couple of people who illegally jumped the U.S. border were invited to speak at the convention along with a few gutter trash BLM supporters. Odd too, that no one was allowed in the DNC without a photo ID, but the democrats claim requiring a photo ID to vote disenfranchises their voting base. So, if they have photo ID's to get in the DNC, it shouldn't be a problem having one to vote should it?