Ok the end of the world and zombie attack aside is your real question is should you buy it before buying it becomes impossible. Perhaps. But what is to prevent an executive order from being made to outlaw position of high capacity clips or even the Ar15? This is why the continued executive orders being accepted as law is so dangerous to me. And God help us if the Supreme Court ever decides that they carry the same weight as legislation passed and signed into law.

Direct rule by the President scares me much more than zombies, economic meltdown or any other potential natural disaster. You have about 150-175 million people living in cities and surrounding areas who could not feed and support themselves for more than two weeks without massive help. Unlike during the Great Depression when a strong majority of the population lived in rural areas and could to a large extent feed themselves today we can not. So one Ar15 more or less will make little difference.

So it comes down to how important is an Ar15 to you and what you think the chances are that it will be declared illegal by executive order and will you comply. If it is just an itch to own it I would pass. If you are concerned about protecting your family buy it and spit in their eye later if needed.