Originally Posted By: King Brown
This is craziness

Really? Tell that to the unprepared people who experienced Katrina. Disaster preparedness is a good thing and an AR is one part of it.

During hurricane Ike, we went 3 weeks without power. Some of the unprepared got goofy and unpredictable. I learned a lot from that experience, both about people helping people and the darker side as well. A crash course for sure.

I am much better prepared now, in many ways. When all the marbles hit the ground, the biggest mistake was underestimating the amount of fuel it takes to run the generator for an extended time. We are now dual fuel capable and I can go approx 3 month if managed properly. My AR never left my side for 3 weeks.

I'll never forget cooking my son's birthday cake on the outside grill. smile

Take it for what its worth.
But then again, I guess we can all sit on our asses acting like baby birds waiting to be fed.

Last edited by ithaca1; 08/05/16 12:49 PM.

Bill Johnson