I've had ARs for years, until a few years ago. Mine were very accurate and used for target shooting. If it all goes downhill, which isn't going to happen, anything is better than nothing, but unless you live in a wilderness where you've got room to stretch out the range and expect to be a rural warrior, an AR is whistling past the graveyard. IF you buy it for apocalypse purposes, that is. For a fun gun, they're great. They're accessorized easily, and a lot of people will take a $800 rifle and bolt on $600 worth of sights, rails, etc.

I'm not a prepper, figure if the SHTF, I'm going to be either outnumbered or outgunned with any shoulder-fired weapon. So I spend my limited dollars on something even more fun...flintlocks, shotguns, Savage 99s, etc.

Last edited by Genelang; 08/05/16 12:48 PM.