Purchase a Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Rifle in .223 with a walnut stock and blued metal and a few 20 round magazines. Shopping around, (CDNN Sports in Abilene, Tx) you can get this rig for under a $1,000, probably less, with 3 or 4 magazines. The walnut and blued steel does not look as "sinister" to some people as the black AR does. One rides with me all the time for coyote control around the ranch. You will find out it is a hoot to play with just shooting for fun. Buying .223 ammo in bulk is not a problem and relatively inexpensive compared to some ammo. For dealing with a home invasion, a shotgun is the best, provided it holds more than two rounds. Past 25 yds or so, a criminal with a handgun has the shotgun outclassed.
The Ruger mini-14 is dependable, built like a tank, and entirely accurate enough. A tricked out AR with all the bells and whistles and unnecessary attachments you do not need.
And, as one person said, there is nothing wrong with a good lever action rifle.....a Marlin in .44 magnum holds 10 rounds and reloads fairly quickly.
During the LA riots years ago, the only thing that kept the criminal looters from cleaning out and torching some Korean businesses was the people standing on the roofs of those businesses holding AR-15's in plain sight. (the LA cops being unwilling to enter that section of the city)....the gutter trash rioters immediately turned away from their intended targets.
Certain elements in this country have stated there will be riots and demonstrations before the November election and even more if Trump wins. Such threats are not to be taken lightly, nor is the threat of Islamic terrorism attacks in the U.S. Get a Ruger mini-14.

Last edited by GaryW; 08/05/16 01:35 PM.