Just look at the two posts prior to this for understanding the reality of the situation:

First we have the resident anti-2nd Amendment Troll posting more of his dishonest LULLING:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Dave, what's all this fretting about Clinton? Everyone here knows it makes no difference who gets in: "the Second is an inalienable right." It can't be changed, it's there forever and a day. Keep cool!

Then we have the reality of what happens whenever Liberal Left anti-gun Democrats take the reins of power:

Originally Posted By: LGF
California has just banned even possession of mags capable of holding more than 10 rounds, and sale of rifles and pistols with detachable magazines. In other words, all semi-auto pistols. You will now need a background check, for fifty bucks, just to buy ammunition.

As Dave K. says, AR's and AK's and ammo for same won't be getting any cheaper as the election gets closer. Prices have stabilized since the mad rush when Obama tried to ban them in 2013, but we all know what anti-gun Hillary is promising to do.

In his 7919 posts here, has King Brown ever offered any useful double gun information, or has it all been anti-gun crap and bloviating about his imaginary friends like JFK and Martin Luther King?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.