Originally Posted By: Rockdoc
Years ago a fellow from Argentina wrote what he did after the Argentinian economy tanked and the country fell into chaos. His views as far as guns went:

Shotguns are great for protecting your household. Every household should have at least one.

High-powered rifles, because of their ability to shoot through things such as cars and walls, are good if your dwelling is under attack. For instance, your attacker shoots at you from behind his car, you shoot back at him through his car. Every household should have at least one.

Handguns were only useful to carry with you at times such as a trip to the store where your long gun would cause a disturbance. Emergency weapons to hopefully keep you alive until you can get to your long gun. Every person in a household should have at least one.

He’d basically turned his living space into a fortress and suggested things such as answering the front door by calling down from an upstairs window when someone knocked on the front door. He came up with that one after a neighbor lady was assaulted and raped when she answered her front door thinking the nice man in the uniform was a city utility worker.

FWIW I agree with the earlier posters views on AK 47’s. Give me something that reliably fires whenever I pull the trigger, mud, sand, dirt and water be damned.


There are some very good points in the above post and everyone reading this forum IMO should heed them. \
To The Naysayers:
We came very close to an armed rebellion last year over that grazing issue. Personally I am hopeful that no matter what the outcome is in November that cooler heads will prevail and everyone will begin to adjust to the situation.
However: Being prepared for what I see is an unlikely major disruption, but if it were to occur, would in all probability immediately affect food supplies it doesn't hurt to be prepared. IMO: You should have at a minimum at least a 3 month supply of food on hand.

Last edited by James M; 08/05/16 07:47 PM.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.