Originally Posted By: Shotgunlover
A half way friendly action by government would be to enact a rule that all arms accepting black powder, flanged, rimmed or belted ammo are civilian and are therefore out of the ambit of "defence" or "military" material regulations.

Obviously the category is not as wide as some would like but it would be a start and a way of simplifying what is what.

Are you serious about this proposal???

A half way friendly action by the government would be to respect the 2nd Amendment and the Constitutional Rights of law abiding citizens. Period.

That's not going to happen as long as Obama is in office. And it won't happen if we allow Hillary Clinton to get elected. When I saw Bill Johnson's picture of Elmer Fudd, I immediately thought that the majority here does not even know what a "Fudd" is, pertaining to gun rights. But we have quite a few here... we see them regularly attempting to shut down any discussion about the subject.


Jagermeister, maybe you ought to consider buying Ted's Nitro Special since you do not even own a double shotgun. Didn't you tell us that you rent many of your guns? That's pretty sad. I didn't even know you could rent guns. Obama's Hope and Change must have left you in the dust.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.