We can always count on the transgender coward nca225 to exhibit his/her extremely low intelligence in defense of anti-gun politicians like the Clinton's. Note that he/she compares a relative flattening out of the decline of FFL's after Bush 43 took office to the precipitous drop between 1993 and 2001. nca225 calls that stark difference a continued trend. That's about as honest and intelligent as calling night a continuation of daytime. Let's see... who was President between Jan. 1993 and Jan. 2001? Why, what a shock... it was Liberal Left Democrat anti-gunner Bill Clinton... the type of politician that nca225 supports. Yet, like King Brown, he/she seriously thinks that you can support extreme anti-gunners and still consider yourself pro-gun. This is just more proof that Liberalism is a mental disorder.

It is no real surprise to see a very slight increase in FFL's after Obama took office since his extreme anti-gun stance led to huge increases in firearms and ammunition sales.

Over 100 million guns have been sold since Obama took office. Firearms production has increased 140%. The number of Concealed Carry Permits has increased by 270% for women and 156% for men since 2007. The reason is not because Barack Obama and Liberal Democrats are supportive of Gun Rights.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.