Originally Posted By: keith

Originally Posted By: Geo. Newbern
The wingnuts just can't help themselves, but they're likely right to believe this gun discussion board has been infiltrated by subversive elements whose purpose is to disrupt the operation of what is naturally a pro-gun chat-room. Smart politics I guess.

I'd ask Geo why he thinks that Trolling anti-gun crap is smart politics, but I don't expect I'd get an answer.

Aww shoot keith, you know you can usually get an answer from me. Not everyone is on our side of this gun thing. It seems to be one of the great issues of this prez election.

Hillary has taken a position which is completely anti-gun. I'm sure that some smart guys in the polling/public opinion business have advised the dimocrats that they can win on the gun issue.

The "smart politics" comes in where strategic operatives are inserted (or just show up) into the midst of pro-gun social media sites like this one. They're here for the purpose of disrupting the uninterrupted flow of partisan political opinion on the subject and seeding doubt of our own sense of solidarity.

That help any?...Geo