Originally Posted By: craigd
Originally Posted By: nca225
....Bush 43 matches the last four of years of Clinton. You are either being intentionally obtuse, flat out insane, or just too dumb to read a graph you used as a visual aid.

BTW, I'm not sure if you realize it but you're on the wingnut side....

A dumb, obtuse wingnut? That's bad. Since you agree with the graph, what do you call yourself for ignoring the first four years of the klin'un purge?

I wonder why you would be so giddy about an ffl numbers flat line, to go along with a population explosion.

What's to ignore? It's clear that there was a steep drop in FFL's during the first four years of the Clinton administration. That's not the issue I was discussing. Does your purity test for unyielding support for the cabal require every poster to regurgitate what the last member of the cabal posted?

What is also just as clear is the rate of decline in Clinton's last four years matches the rate of decline in all eight of Bush 43. Can you see that or are you just like your buddy?

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