Originally Posted By: arrieta2
I can tell you this, if I had another job when the renewal came under Clinton and selling only 10-12 guns a year, I would not have renewed.

It would not have been worth it.

John Boyd

Which is exactly why I didn't, they priced me out of the "game". Which, I still believe, was a backhanded way of getting rid of a lot of "us". Why should it matter to the government how many guns a year someone sells? If there are no stipulations on the application that a minimum number must be sold to be a valid FFL holder, they should not even care. Volume dealers should be very careful when decrying little home businesses' competition. A big box store may just may move into their little neck of the woods and put them out of business. Who will be crying UNFAIR! then?


May God bless America and those who defend her.